Wednesday, 26 May 2010

Day 33 25th May

Another early morning.... we took a taxi into town for breakfast in a little French cafe before having a wander around the town. Headed back home, picked up the car and took a drive to a little model shop on the other side of the city to try an buy batteries for Connor's remotre control heli. No luck but Andy managed to buy oone for himself when my back was turned. Another toy for Tarves but at least it won't take up took much space. Went back home, parked the heli and headed out to meet everyone. First stop was the chip shop to see Naomi, she's looking really well. Meeting up with her and Helen Thursday for coffee. The headed up to the Bellevue to meet everyone. Helen, Evan, baby Bella, June, Keith, Glenn (arrived on his bicycle), Graham from Thailand and Paul. Was great to see everyone together again after more than 2 years but we were still missing Mr Geoff from Thailand. So we had to take a wander down to The Alex. Just as we walked in the side door he was about to escape out the front door with Freddy but we managed to pin them down, twist their arms and drag them back in. It was strange being all together again in Norwich. Anyway, Geoff had a bit of a wobble on so had to make his excuses and leave. So myself, Andy, Graham and Paul headed down to the Fat Cat for last orders. Everyone used to call Graham the slow walking mumbling man but he had smoke coming off his shoes to get that last beer, never seen him walk so fast in my life!! Managed to get one last drink and then headed home for bed. Chris from the Fat Cat is leaving on Sunday also to drive up to Aberdeen to live so we told him we'd just follow him - road trip to Aberdeen!!

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